Hello, friends.

I have installed LuaRT v0.9.3 beta Win32, but cannot find the examples\notepad mentioned in CHANGELOG.txt


nor the mentioned in [Login to see the link]


In fact, there is no any *.WLUA file. And also I would like to run helpconsole mentioned in

[Login to see the link]

Besides, LuaRT gets no installed at

C:\Program Files\Luart\

It stayed where I decompress it (sincerly I prefer it this way), but LuaRT-0.9.3-beta.zip has no any .wlua.

Should I do something additional?

Is there any .lua/.wlua test programs for us to try (besides guess, help, help_data, humans, lang, paint, sendmail, starfield, weather)?

Thanks for sharing.

Systems Analyst
Medellín, Colombia

Hi Jjhernancanom,

It seems as luaRT 0.9.3 don't contains some examples as you mentioned. Sorry for that miss and sadly I cannot give an update for now (I'm on vacation !).

Here is a link to LuaRT 0.9.2 that contains the missing examples files:

[Login to see the link]

    Hello, friends.
    Here I document my approaches to LuaRT. Every one of the samples runs ok

     | Example      | Runs | 
     | guess        | ok   | 
     | help         | ok   | 
     | help_data    | ok   | 
     | humans       | ok   | 
     | lang         | ok   | 
     | paint        | ok   | 
     | sendmail     | ok   | 
     | starfield    | ok   | 
     | weather      | ok   | 
     | hello.wlua   | ok   | 
     | notepad.wlua | ok   | 

    Hello, friends.
    Here I document my approaches to LuaRT. I show how I go with the contributions:

     | Contribution         | Runs | 
     | Listing-Tool-1       | ok   | Mike 's version, original
     | Listing-Tool-2       | ok   | Samir's version, adjusted
     | Improved-Dir-Walker  | --   | " attempting to compare string with number "
     | Help-System          | --   | I need instructions for installing it

    Hello, friends.

    Here I document an example where I migrate a form (that I develope aprox 3 or 4 years ago) to LuaRT.

    I wrote a form, Tabla_de_Admoras.lua, that used "First/Last/Next/Prev/New/Edit/Delete" to edit data form a database table.
    I decided to use IUP for the user interface.
    But I found that LuaSQLite only had binaries for Lua v5.1 (as many-many other utilities I needed, yet today).
    I had to use Lua v5.1 and IUP buit for it.

    I put a question in a forum for someone provide instructions for building LuaSQLite for Lua v5.3.3 (current by that moment).
    The colleague Pavel Drotar answered it (I can share'em if someone ask for them), but they depend of LuaRocks and it is not enough easy for me.

    Today I can use the LuaSQLite binary compiled for Lua v5.3.3... But I am not interested in stuck my apps in v5.3.3 (nor in v5.1).

    I modified Tabla_de_Admoras.lua for not to use LuaSQLite, and I got Tabla_de_Admoras(wo_sqlite).lua.... it uses just IUP, because the IUP binaries are available in its own portal for many versions, and any new.

    I provide several .BATs/.CMDs to run Tabla_de_Admoras.lua, or the modified one.

    As you can see, I (and you too) can run Tabla_de_Admoras(wo_sqlite).lua in Lua v5.4.0, LuaRT v0.9.3.

    My questions in an LuaRT scenario/environment:

    1. Can your UI module in LuaRT help me to raise a form like this?
      If not, no problem, I just wanna know, and can wait the UI documentation.

    2. With respect to SQLite:
      Would you provide something in the LuaRT "core" or a DLL built for LuaRT?

    3. For additional DLLs:
      Would you provide instruction for us to compile/build them? Or would you help me to write the documentation and proceed?

    Description of the files attached:

     | Tabla_de_Admoras                 |
     |  Tabla_de_Admoras.lua            | The form that wrote
     |  Tabla_de_Admoras(wo_sqlite).lua | The form but modified for run in LuaRT before I get LuaSQLite-DLL binary for Lua v5.4 (and/or LuaRT)
     |  Admoras.db                      | The database
     |  lua515\                         | The dir with Lua   v5.1.5, and IUP binaries for it
     |  lua533\                         | The dir with Lua   v5.3.3, and IUP binaries for it
     |  lua533\                         | The dir with Lua   v5.3.3, and IUP binaries for it
     |  lua540\                         | The dir with Lua   v5.4.0, and IUP binaries for it (compatible with LuaRT v0.9.3)
     |  luaRT\                          | The dir with LuaRT v0.9.3, and IUP binaries for Lua v5.4.0 (compatible with LuaRT v0.9.3)
     |  lua515.cmd                      | The batch file for running Tabla_de_Admoras.lua            with Lua   v5.1.5
     |  lua533-wo.cmd                   | The batch file for running Tabla_de_Admoras(wo_sqlite).lua with Lua   v5.3.3
     |  lua533.cmd                      | The batch file for running Tabla_de_Admoras.lua            with Lua   v5.3.3
     |  lua540.bat                      | The batch file for running Tabla_de_Admoras(wo_sqlite).lua with Lua   v5.4.0
     |  luart.bat                       | The batch file for running Tabla_de_Admoras(wo_sqlite).lua with LuaRT v0.9.3
     |  DATA2.ICO                       | Additional files, used by the form
     |  default_icon.bmp                | 
     |  lsqlite3-lua51.dll              | LuaSQLite binary that only runs in Lua v.5.1
     |  lsqlite3-lua53.dll              | LuaSQLite binary that only runs in Lua v.5.3

    Please How can I attatch a file (20 Mb)?

    About a form to be run in Lua 51, 53, 54 y LuaRT

    It’s not possible to embed files in your posts. The only way to share files is to provide a link to download.

    For your questions :

    1) LuaRT ui module can build this kind of forms. The ui module provides Window, Listbox, Combobox, Button, RichEdit, Label and many other controls. The documentation will be released in the next LuaRT release.

    2) I am definitly thinking about including a database module for LuaRT, in a universal way (including SQLite, MySQL, Access,…).

    3) For additionnal DLLs : very good question ! Any binary module built for Lua 5.4 should work with LuaRT. If you want to include specific LuaRT fonctionnalities (UTF8 strings, Objects, iterables,…) in your binary modules, you should link to LuaRT shared library, not available for the moment. I plan to add that once LuaRT reach 1.0 (LuaRT will then be open sourced)

    1. Fine.
    2. Fine (SQLite3, MySQL/MariaDB, Access,...)
    3. I'll not include any functionality (I do not write modules in C/C++ languages) if the core have them. I only "use" the binaries if they exist and the core does not include those functionalities.

    But it is very important that v5.4 binaries can be compatible with LuaRT. By now I'll look for SQLite3 binaries built for Lua v5.4 (or instructions/directions for me to build them), and continue trying.

    Thanks, friend.

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