• General discussion
  • Are there any good project examples for LuaRT (and some other questions)?

I'm looking to create an application, but do not know what prerequisites & files are necessary to get the product running on a majority of operating systems. Does the end-user need to have LuaRT installed to run these applications? What's the best way to compile an application to EXE?

    Hi Shawn, and welcome to LuaRT Community !

    To deploy a LuaRT application, you just need :

    • The LuaRT interpreter (luart.exefor console or wluart.exe for Desktop applications)
    • Thelua54.dll library (optional if you use the static versions of the LuaRT interpreter)
    • Your Lua scripts / binary modules

    The better way to deploy a LuaRT application is tu use rtc.exe to compile your scripts to an executable, as it embeds the LuaRT interpreter with your scripts.

    shawnjbragdon to get the product running on a majority of operating systems

    As a side note, LuaRT is only available on Windows operating systems

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