LuaSocket is only available for scripts running in the LuaRT Studio IDE (to make it available at anytime you will need to copy the socket folders from the two previous locations inside your script folder).
Here is an example of an echo server runnable directly from LuaRT Studio :
-- load socket module
local socket = require("socket")
-- create a TCP socket and bind it to the local host, at any port
local server = assert(socket.bind("*", 80))
-- find out which port the OS chose for us
local ip, port = server:getsockname()
-- print a message informing what's up
print("Please telnet to localhost on port " .. port)
print("After connecting, you have 10s to enter a line to be echoed")
-- loop forever waiting for clients
while 1 do
-- wait for a connection from any client
local client = server:accept()
-- make sure we don't block waiting for this client's line
-- receive the line
local line, err = client:receive("test")
-- if there was no error, send it back to the client
if not err then client:send(line .. "\n") end
-- done with client, close the object
Run it, and open your web browser and go to the following address ""