Samir The installer bug is related to an issue with compiled scripts (await/async/sleep will stop program execution)
Dogi This update is awesome! Can't wait to try new features, especially the net module, for example I needed to get how much I have already downloaded, like 5Kb/10Kb, is it possible with the new update?
Samir Yes you can check the download.lua example, especially the Http.received property that contains the bytes count of data received for the Http response.
Samir Documentation for Task.constructor() and Task.wait() are now available, I've just added two tutorials to use the new asynchronous programming capabilities.
Samir I have fixed this sleep() and installer/rtc bug, still doing some tests. I will publish LuaRT 1.5.1 very soon.
Dogi Samir Due to the sleep bug whenever i do while not task.terminated do in order to track downloaded over what is left, wlua freezes and crashes, since it requires sleep() for atlease some between while loops, so i hope to get it asap
Samir Yes you are right if you want to keep track of a downloading progress you will need those kind of loop with a call to sleep() I hope to release 1.5.1 today or tomorrow