Remember that the load()
function don't run the Lua code, it just parse it and generate bytecode as a Lua function.
So you need to call the result of the load()
local client = net.Http("")
local Center1 = client:get("/Dezeroller/test/main/keys.txt")
--- Here you need to call the generated function using parenthesis, the result will be stored in table1
local table1 = load(Center1)()
local entryName = ui.Entry(win, "Enter Name", 110, 80)
local button = ui.Label(win, "Ok", 110, 152)
function button:onClick()
if table1[entryName.text] then
Secondly, you should not make the table local
in the script file, because it will be local to the generated function.
You should return it like this :
-- the return table will be stored in the table1 variable form the load() call
return {
["Hey"] = {Key = "BubbleGum", blocked = false}