Hello, i came across an Samirs's article about compiling, here a fragment of it
"you need to provide the lua54.dll along with your just compiled executable."
how do i "provide" it? what i did is a put it into embed directory chosen in wrtc compiler, selected dynamic libary, but it asks for lua54.dll again

You just need to put the lua54.dll in the same folder as your compiled executable.

[unknown] and compile Dynamic Library?

Yes that's it.

If you want to get ride of the lua54.dll dependency you can compile using the static library.
Beware that in this case, you won't be able to require any Lua/LuaRT binary modules

  • Dogi replied to this.

    [unknown] Thank you! it works well, but is there a way to pack lua54.dll into exe, so that it becomes standalone ? ( not using static)

    What kind of error occurs with your friend ?

    • Dogi replied to this.

      Samir Unfortunately it doesn't show anything at all, it just wouldn't launch, but it is so only for him among my friends that also tried and it worked for them, so I guess it's only his trouble

      I think it's related to antivirus software that prevented to launch the application..'

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