I'm raising my target a little bit more. Our new game is called "Mangala". This game will be a mind game. You can see the picture below.

Lin: [Login to see the link]
What is Mangala and rules: [Login to see the link]

However, this game is a game that requires some effort. We will play against the computer. This program will take a long time, but I believe I will succeed. First I will do the game painting and design, then I will form the basis of the game. Of course, since we will be playing against the computer, the computer needs to know how to play the game. I will write a very simple artificial intelligence for this. Of course, this artificial intelligence will first use simple predictions, but over time, I will turn it into a module and develop this artificial intelligence.
Estimated end time of the game: 2 months

the problems I will encounter;

  • In LuaRT, can I add another transparent image on top of the transparent image?
  • Does LuaRT support animation? (This is not required)

    Well, you can't be stopped Coskun!
    Take your time, no need to rush, the main thing is that coding with LuaRT remains fun.

    cos00kun In LuaRT, can I add another transparent image on top of the transparent image?

    It should, I have not tested it.

    cos00kun Does LuaRT support animation? (This is not required)

    No, as Windows API don't provide any animation functionnality out of the box

      yes thanks [Login to see the link] .
      The 'Mangala' will not be easy, of course, and I will not rush. I will work systematically and more optimally. but I know I will succeed. I already enjoy working with LuaRT because we are alike. Simple, plain and understandable πŸ˜›

      Samir It should, I have not tested it.

      I need your support on this. I will wait to hear from you. you get the point. each time a stone will be added to the boxes and it would be more logical to add a transparent stone to the picture instead of reloading the pictures each time.

      Ok I will check this

      [Login to see the link]

      work is going well.. I have almost completed the algorithm. Now I'm going to start image editing and uploading πŸ™‚
      makes the distribution of stones properly. (It may not be visible in the picture, but it works fine in the background.)

      In fact, it would be much more perfect if we could add pictures on pictures. πŸ˜›

      Yeah I know ! πŸ˜‰
      Didn't have the time for now as I'm working on a new module... Will work on that tomorrowπŸ‘

      [Login to see the link]

      I think I'm doing just fine. πŸ™‚
      I've already prepared many algorithms. I edit pictures with "Gimp". I will post the codes in a few days. so we can test it. I'll look for ways to play against each other by uploading this later on the internet.

      Well it seems as transparent Bitmap in Windows Winapi is a very complex task... Might be easier to implement it on a Canvas widget...

      don't worry, I have made image installations for this game using existing methods. However, this will be required for larger programs that I will design later in the future πŸ™‚

      Hi all..
      I've pretty much finished the game. then i'll do the edits, optimization and maybe the editing of the images. I think this is good progress for me.
      Mangala game description will be displayed when you run the game and click on the "Help" section.

      Code and pictures dowanload ;
      [Login to see the link]

      and now some pictures;
      [Login to see the link]

      [Login to see the link]

      [Login to see the link]

      things to do;

      • The computer itself cannot play it yet, I plan to complete it in 1 month. So I'm going to write a simple artificial intelligence.
      • code optimization

      Great work Coskun !
      Still working on a Canvas widget for better graphics/drawing with LuaRT.

      Thank you again πŸ™

      If you have free time, I recommend you to try this game. I'm going to do some work on artificial intelligence. After adding artificial intelligence to the program, I think I will design a card game.πŸ€” Then I will transfer them to a website and look at the way to play multiplayer from there. I think we've come a long way with LuaRT. But there is still much to learn.


      What's been done

      • computer can play.

      To Do_

      • from time to time the computer gets stuck while playing (in such cases, you can play instead of the computer yourself)
      • AI not working yet to be developed.

      Download: [Login to see the link]

      it's finally over. πŸ˜›
      now we have a program with difficulty levels and an artificial intelligence, if not very advanced.

      Download: [Login to see the link]

      When the game ends and the player wins, the program crashes. I will solve this problem. However, I will ask a question.
      Is there a debug program in LuaRT Studio to find in which part of the code it is locked? how can i run it?

        cos00kun Is there a debug program in LuaRT Studio to find in which part of the code it is locked? how can i run it?

        Yes, you can debug a Lua script by pressing the F5 key on an opened Lua script

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