steve64 I got this message "C stack overflow" when loading a module that build a quite large string. Is there a limit on string size? Is it possible to enlarge the C stack for these cases?
Samir I need more info to understand what's going on : This module is written in Lua or in C ? How the string is built ? (C Stack Overflow means a C function throws this error) Do you use any string function or other ?
steve64 It's a Lua module, just concatenating strings (with ..) into the same variable, then returned by a function. The string is intended to be HTML text where in some places I embed some simple Lua code. Splitting up into multiple destination variables I was able to overcome the issue, but it would be important to understand the root cause.
Samir It needs LuaRT to be compiled with a higher LUA_MAXCSTACK value. You should put all the strings you want to concatenate in a table, then call table.concat() to concatenate all the strings into one, as a workaround.