Well that is awckward, says io isn't found after i compiled it as windows desktop static, any reason why?
It says attemp to use global io, anything i can do about it? in the text editor tho it runs just fine.

Remember, standard Lua modules are only available when compiling to dynamic runtime (Lua54.dll).
When compiling static exe, the executable won't need Lua54.dll.

All this reminds me of probably leaving the default "os" and "io" modules (and maybe "utf8") with all versions of the LuaRT runtime, to simplify PUC Lua compatibility...

    Samir When i do the non static with desktop, i get an error

    The procedure entry point File_close could not be located in the dynamic link library

      justdie The procedure entry point File_close could not be located in the dynamic link library

      Have you put the Lua54.dll standard library in the same folder as the generated executable ?

      I didn't move it if its what you mean

      When compiling to dynamic runtime library your compiled executable needs Lua54.dll in the same folder to be executed.

      If you're on LuaRT Studio copy the Lua54.dll from the bin\ folder to where your executable is.

      If you use LuaRT, copy the Lua54.dll from the bin\std\ folder to where your executable is.

      Ooooh so it needs the lua54dll in the same folder, i see, thanks for the info then

      You're welcome, hope it fixed the error !

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